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Fairfield Union High School
6675 Cincinnati-Zanesville Road NE
Lancaster, OH 43130
Phone: 740-536-7306
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Archived News
2024 Mamma Mia! Production receives Marquee Award
The Performing Arts Program at Fairfield Union High School recently participated in the CAPA Marquee Awards Program (Columbus Association for the Performing Arts). CAPA is committed to celebrating, supporting, and advocating for high school musical theatre education throughout central Ohio. Schools that elect to participate have their musical theatre performances adjudicated and are eligible for 13 awards. This year, Fairfield Union is one of 23 central Ohio Schools to participate in the Marquee Awards. Each night of the performance, three adjudicators from the CAPA Marquee Awards program attend a performance of each school's qualifying production to evaluate individual performances, group performances, and technical aspects of the show. Schools then receive valuable written feedback from each of the judges to the production cast, crew, and creative team.
This year, Fairfield Union High School Musical Theatre Department proudly accepted for their spring performance,
Mamma Mia!
the CAPA Marquee Award for "Outstanding Technical Execution". Technical execution evaluates several aspects of the show, including the pacing of the performance, quick and seamless transitions between scenes, lighting design for the show, and sound (mics) being clear and heard by the audience, So many aspects need to come together in addition to the actors parts in order to make a show go well. This award credits all those technical parts that continue to make Fairfield Union High School Musical performances outstanding.
Accepting the award on behalf of the FUHS Musical Theatre department were:
Front row, L to R: Addison Fey, Ruthie Bailey, Allison Freeland, Matthew Gregory (teacher), David Duffey, Nicholas Henwood
Back row L to R: Morgan Belville, Audrey Barr, Korah Duemmel, Katelyn McMahon, Samantha Sattler, Jonah Squiers, Joshuan Henwood, Natalie Conrad and Jocelyn Barnecut
Dr. Paul Young - Inducted into Hall of Fame
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Assembly Singers at OMEA Competition
Fairfield Union Assembly Singers performed at Newark High School on Friday, March 8th as part of the Ohio Music Education Association (OMEA) Choir Event under the direction of Mr. Matthew Gregory. The group performed
Keep Your Lamps
by Andre Thomas (featuring Luke Sattler on Congas),
The Rose
by Ola Gileilo, and
At the Round Earth's Imagined Corners
by Williametta Spencer. Ms. Debbie Fox traveled with their group to be their accompanist. The adjudicated event gives feedback to the students and directors on how to improve their performances while expanding their musical talents. The Fairfield Union Assembly Singers received a Superior rating at the event and will now perform at the State level in April. It's a Great Day to be a Falcon Assembly Singer!
6/1/2023 - Band and Choir Members perform at Disney
Members of the Marching Falcons and high school choirs had the opportunity to perform at Disney in Orlando, Florida. The Marching Band performed at the Magic Kingdom on Friday evening, June 2 in the daily parade. The choir performed at Disney Springs on Saturday afternoon.
Music Boosters
Fairfield Union Music Alumni Association
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