Voice Recognition

Kristy Wilson

Teacher/Class Bio/Info

Welcome to my teacher page.  
I teach 11th grade honors and general language arts along with dual-enrollment classes through Hocking College (ENGL 2253) and Ohio University (ENG 1510).      
My 11th grade language arts courses provide an overview of American literature and language. Throughout the year, students will be expected to demonstrate mastery of all skills within the 11-12 grade bands of Ohio’s Learning Standards, which requires students to demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar, usage, and mechanics when writing and speaking. Students must apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading and listening.
Overall, it will be a challenging year that requires students to be responsible, motivated, and cooperative in order to be highly successful.  It also requires, not only support at school but, support at home, so I encourage you to e-mail me or check Progress Book should you have any questions about your student’s progress.  My e-mail is [email protected].  I will also be using Google Classroom on a daily basis and expect the students to utilize this every day.

Ms. K. Wilson

Contact info:

Wilson, Kristy
Language Arts
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