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Bremen Elementary Directory

Bremen Elementary
210 Strayer Avenue
Bremen, OH 43107
Phone: 740-569-4135
Fax: 740-569-9605

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Bremen Elementary Administration

Roger Nott
Roger Nott
Office: 740-569-4135 x 5006
Trent Johns
Trent Johns
Dean of Students
Office: 740-536-7249

Bremen Elementary Staff

Laura Alford
Laura Alford
Intervention Specialist
Moriah Allen
Moriah Allen
Intervention Specialist
Office: 740-536-7306
Kathryn Barber
Kathryn Barber
Grade 2
Office: 740-569-4135
Varsity Gymnastics Coach
Christina Bosch
Christina Bosch
Occupational Therapist
Office: 740-536-7249
Carrie Burnworth
Carrie Burnworth
Office: 740-569-4135
Melissa Burton
Melissa Burton
Bremen Aide
Office: 740-569-4135
Jennifer Campbell
Jennifer Campbell
Bremen Cook/Cashier
Office: 740-569-4135
Andrea Canale
Andrea Canale
Bremen Elem. Secretary
Office: 740-569-4135
Michelle Correll
Michelle Correll
Grade 4
Office: 740-569-4135
Errin Cramer
Errin Cramer
Bremen Elem. Preschool Paraprofessional
Office: 740-569-4135
Frances Derbyshire
Frances Derbyshire
Bremen Elem. Head Cook
Office: 740-569-4135
Rose Ann Elliott
Rose Ann Elliott
Bremen Elem. Health Aide
Office: 740-569-4135 x 5008
Audra Freeland
Audra Freeland
Grade 3
Office: 740-569-4135
Rex Glaze
Rex Glaze
Assistant Maintenance-BES
Office: 740-569-4135
Molly Green
Molly Green
Intervention Specialist
Office: 740-569-4135
Taylor Hicks
Taylor Hicks
Office: 740-569-4135
Nicole Hobson
Nicole Hobson
Bremen Elem. Cook
Office: 740-569-4135
Brianna Hoffman
Brianna Hoffman
Grade 2
Office: 740-569-4135
Emily Holm
Emily Holm
Office: 740-569-4135
Trent Johns
Trent Johns
Dean of Students
Office: 740-536-7249
Kristy Keirns
Kristy Keirns
Office: 740-569-4135
Jennifer Kessler
Jennifer Kessler
Bremen Elem. Paraprofessional
Office: 740-569-4135
Cynthia Landis
Cynthia Landis
Office: 740-569-4135
Hannah Landis
Hannah Landis
Grade 4
Office: 740-569-4135
Amy Lecrone
Amy Lecrone
Bremen Elem. Paraprofessional
Office: 740-569-4135
Marilyn Leitnaker
Marilyn Leitnaker
BRT Intervention Specialist
Office: 740-569-4135
Belinda Martindill
Belinda Martindill
Bremen Elem. Paraprofessional
Office: 740-569-4135
Jaime McCandlish
Jaime McCandlish
Office: 740-569-4135
Christina Menosky
Christina Menosky
School Counselor
Office: 740-569-4135 x 5007
Tara Montgomery
Tara Montgomery
Grade 1
Office: 740-569-4135
Amy Myers
Amy Myers
Grade 3
Office: 740-569-4135
Kelley Myers
Kelley Myers
Speech Pathologist
Office: 740-569-4135
Melinda Neal
Melinda Neal
Grade 1
Office: 740-569-4135
Roger Nott
Roger Nott
Office: 740-569-4135 x 5006
Jenny Ours
Jenny Ours
PreSchool Paraprofessional
Jennifer Pike
Jennifer Pike
School Nurse
Office: 740-536-7306 x 2012
Sarah Powell
Sarah Powell
Bremen Elem. Paraprofessional
Office: 740-569-4135
Paul Robberts
Paul Robberts
School Resource Officer-Bremen
Office: 740-569-4135
Sierra Roberts
Sierra Roberts
Intervention Specialist
Office: 740-536-7249
Trisha Rogers
Trisha Rogers
School Psychologist
Office: 740-536-7306 x 1401
Molly Ruff
Molly Ruff
Grade 2
Office: 740-569-4135
Emily Stanley
Emily Stanley
Office: 740-569-4135
Jackie Starner
Jackie Starner
Bremen Elem. BRT Paraprofessional
Office: 740-569-4135
Laura Steele
Laura Steele
Preschool Teacher
Office: 740-569-4135
Nicole Stemen
Nicole Stemen
Grade 3
Office: 740-569-4135
Madison Stewart
Madison Stewart
Grade 1
Office: 740-569-4135
Sarah Thompson
Sarah Thompson
Grade 4
Office: 740-569-4135
Kendal Valesko
Kendal Valesko
Physical Education
Office: 740-569-4135
Angel Webb
Angel Webb
Bremen Elem. Aide
Office: 740-569-4135
Abby White
Abby White
Elementary Reading
Office: 740-468-2181
Michelle Wright
Michelle Wright
Speech-Language Pathologist
Office: 740-536-7384
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